Open your eyes

Fake news for dummies

About project

In the New Media Age we are constantly surrounded by all kinds of information, from political issues to advertisements and marketing, which gets to us with no filter other than our own capacity to critically assess its validity. Biased information appears to be particularly difficult to decode for the less media-literate demographics; while the rates of digital literacy have proved to disregard age or educational level, the Open Your Eyes project targets specifically adult learners and educators and seeks to improve their digital skills by providing them with tools to identify fake news and fight the spread of disinformation online.

The Open Your Eyes project intends to deliver two main results:

  • “Check IT Out” Database: after thorough comparative research, the partners will compile a collection of best practices and initiatives that will enables users to develop a critical approach to news consumption and hopefully trigger their critical sense towards this issue. Research will be conducted in a selection of European countries interested by phenomena such as separatism and rising disinformation, particularly around the time of national and European elections, and will allow future users to design individual strategies to confront disinformation based on what worked best in other countries.
  • “Check IT Out” Labs: held by especially-trained adult educators and based on the previously developed database, the Labs target groups of adult learners in partner countries with the objective of developing their critical and digital skills, bringing them closer to the concept of fake news and ultimately spreading awareness about the topic within their network.

Project [ 2018-1-BG01-KA204-047871 ]

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein ."

2019 Open your eyes